AdAmi Project

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Lifting Of Government Ban On Pregnant Girls Attending School

A statement from the AdAmi Project

Since 2015 the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has imposed a discriminatory ban on all visibly pregnant girls attending school. This ban has denied many thousands of girls and young women of their right to an education and a brighter future.

On 12th December 2019 the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice in Nigeria ruled the ban unlawful and ordered the GoSL to revoke the policy with immediate effect. We welcome this news and are relieved to see the rights of expectant and young mothers being respected and upheld.

Yet the work of the AdAmi Project is far from done. We know that expectant and young mothers face numerous challenges to remaining in and/or returning to education, including high levels of stigma and shame, a lack of support with childcare and limited financial means. The AdAmi Project remains committed to helping these girls and young women overcome these barriers, so that they can realise their full potential and achieve their dreams.